The Things We Can’t Say

Educator: Rahana Schmalacker

Other Participating Staff: Nicole Correira & Christopher Carlozzo

Cultural Partner(s): Miroslava Gonzalez - Film making 

School: Central Islip High School, Grades 9-12

District: Central Islip UFSD


This partnership provided students with a meaningful medium for expressing frustrations about school behavior management and adult perceptions of their actions. They collaborated with a documentary artist to raise awareness and to validate peers which resulted in better understanding where and how to get support and to better communicate their needs.


Why are you working with these students and what issues will this project address? 

The students expressed frustration with their behavior often being misinterpreted by adults in their lives. Their depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions can often manifest in ways that appear to be disobedience, defiance, anger, or disrespect. They wanted a way to raise awareness about this issue so other students feel validated, know where to get support, and know how to better communicate their needs. 

What learning goals/standards did this meet?


Students worked collaboratively to visualize and hypothesize to generate ideas and plans for creating art that can affect social change.


Students wrote narratives to portray real experiences or events using effective techniques, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences. Students made strategic use of digital media and visual displays to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.


Welcoming and affirming environment: This project validated the feelings and experiences of marginalized students in the building. This project also ensured that students know that the support services in the school are accessible to all. Distribution of this finished project will cultivate empathy for individuals demonstrating behaviors that are manifestations of various mental health conditions. 

High expectations and rigorous instruction: To complete this project, students will be expected to work collaboratively in a professional manner. Expectations will be modeled by experts in their fields. 

Inclusive curriculum and assessment: The process of creating this project will be accessible to all students due to the variety of roles to play in the planning and production. All participants will be cognizant of the cultural norms of the community and how they impact the way the information presented will be received. 

Ongoing professional learning: This project will provide all members of the school community with the opportunity to reflect on their own interactions with students as well as provide them with resources for support. 


Students’ learning has expanded as a result of this project because now they…

KNOW…  that their feelings and experiences are valid.

UNDERSTAND…  that awareness about mental health is critical for effective communication. 

ARE ABLE TO… assist others in accessing information and support regarding mental health.