April Francis-Taylor

April Francis-Taylor

Equity Specialist April Francis-Taylor will collaborate with PEACE to address the issues of DEI throughout the project development and implementation.  She is an advocate for equitable systems and a regional education leader with over 17 years of experience. She received her B.A., M.A., and Certificate of Advanced Studies in Education Leadership from Hofstra University. Francis-Taylor has served as a teacher, building and district administrator in the Long Island and Westchester regions. She has served on NYSED Culturally Responsive and Sustaining (CR-S) Framework stakeholder committee, NYSED Civic Readiness Task Force, the NYS DemocracyReady Coalition, and as Vice President of the New York State Council of Social Studies. Ms. Francis-Taylor is the recipient of the Nassau BOCES “Education Partner” Award and the National Council of Social Studies (NCSS) “Program of Excellence Award.” She has been featured in various education publications, such as NCSS “Social Education” and McGraw-Hill “The Art of Teaching.”