Christine Baum

Christine Baum

Christine Baum is the Project Manager for the PEACE project, where she is excited to amplify the voices of her colleagues and deepen her impact within the arts and community. With a strong background in printmaking and youth literature, Christine has always believed in the power of art to elevate society and the role of librarians in supporting and nurturing creators. As a printmaker, she has worked in various studios in New York City, where she witnessed the power of co-operative print spaces and how innovation thrives on diverse voices. As a children’s librarian, she has dedicated herself to community outreach, programming, and sharing resources and diverse perspectives to the public. Christine’s multifaceted experiences have honed her ability to create and share valuable content, such as the research and findings that underpin the PEACE project. Christine continues to create and exhibit her own artwork while championing community engagement and collaboration in all her roles.