Turning Argument Into Art

Educator: Stephanie Factor - ENL/ELA teacher

Cultural Partner(s): Christine Baum - Visual Arts

School: Bellport High School, Grade 11 & 12

District: South Country CSD https://data.nysed.gov/profile.php?instid=800000037464


This partnership engaged students in forming arguments and supporting their ideas with evidence in words and visual symbols. By collaborating with their teacher and a visual artist/printmaker they problem-solved real world issues with academic texts to identify essential language and symbolic images.


We wanted these highschoolers to explore the following questions: What impact does being able to synthesize, analyze, and evaluate information texts have on a person’s understanding of a complex topic? What role does visual language play in the understanding of complex topics? How do writers of information texts use examples and evidence effectively to convince a reader of their claim? How can students create their own persuasive imagery? How can I evaluate claims made in informational texts and reconcile competing claims from multiple resources?

What learning goals/standards did this meet?


Anchor Standard 10: Relate and synthesize knowledge and personal experiences to inspire and inform artistic work

VA: Cn10.HS1 

  1. Document the process of developing ideas, from early stages to full elaboration.
  2. Utilize inquiry methods of observation. Research and experimentation to explore unfamiliar subjects through artmaking.
  3. Synthesize knowledge of social, cultural, historical and personal life with artmaking approaches to create meaningful works of art or design.


R.CCR.8: Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, including the validity of the reasoning as well as the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence.

R.CCR.10: Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently


Creating a Welcoming and Affirming Environment

Build rapport and develop positive relationships with students, and their families, by learning about their interests and inviting them to share their opinions and concerns. 

Identifying Inclusive Curriculum and Assessment

Ask questions about self, community, and society that may serve as opportunities to connect in-school learning with the world outside the classroom.

Incorporate cooperative learning activities to encourage understanding of diverse perspectives;

SEL Standards

1A.5a. Examine how the expression of their thoughts and emotions in different contexts affects self and others.

2A.5a. Demonstrate empathy for the unique lived experiences of others and their differing perspectives. Practice self-reflection to better understand self and others.

2B.5a. Identify community-building strategies that honor contributions and differences of individuals and social and cultural groups across lines of difference. 

2C.5a. Reflect on the results of using communication and social skills in daily interactions with peers, teachers, and families and develop strategies to improve in areas that are challenging.


Students’ learning has expanded as a result of this project because now they…

KNOW… ways that visual information can influence our ideas and create compelling messages

UNDERSTAND… the connection between the arts and academic writing and how to construct an argument about issues in their world using relevant and powerful details..

ARE ABLE TO… reflect on their writing and work and find connections between their own work and the work of others.